7U (Rally Cap)

7U (Rally Cap):

7U (formerly known as Rally Cap or T-Ball) Division baseball is for players 4 - 7 years old (see registration page as it is based on birth year) who are interested in learning the basic fundamentals and wish to get an introduction to the skills of baseball within a recreational baseball program. This is accomplished by stressing and maintaining active participation by all players during the game of baseball played in accordance with the Official Rules of Baseball, by Baseball Canada with the incorporation of the rules contained in the official SAMBA-Baseball Handbook. Being a developmental level of baseball, focus is towards knowledge, good sportsmanship, and fair play; all players are rotated and given opportunity to play various positions during the course of each game.

Games and Practices:

During May and June played twice per week (5 pm to 6 pm OR 6:15 pm to 7:15 pm) either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Practices will be held on the first day of the week, followed by a game on the second. A Rally Cap Evaluation Day is scheduled prior to the end of May and a Year End tournament is scheduled following completion of regular season play prior to the end of June.

Summer League is 6 pm to 7 pm.

SAMBA will do their best to provide a level of balance in the selection of House League teams. At the House League level, SAMBA supports players requesting to play underage in a higher division of ball pending their level of skill/experience or specific circumstances such as playing with a sibling. A 7U player wishing to play at the 9U Level must contact the Registrar before completing the on-line league registration process, please contact the Registrar registrar@stalbertbaseball.com . If accepted you will be subject to that respective division's registration fee. Overage players are not permitted. 

Upcoming Events

Apr. 05, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Used Gear Drop Off
SAMBA Clubhouse
Used Gear Drop Off Day

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Apr. 06, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Gear Swap Day
215 Sturgeon Road
Gear Swap Day

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