7U (RallyCap) / 9U Coaching Clinic (2025) | ||||
Cost | Date | Start | End | Location |
Free (Sponsored by SAMBA) | Legion Clubhouse |
This Mandatory clinic will give 7U (Rally Cap) and 9U coaches the tools and confidence to ensure a great experience for parents, players, and coaches. During this 2 hour clinic you will learn how to plan and run a practice as well as a game. (Hint) Having a plan before the practice starts will make things better! Practice plans will be laid out in detail so you will know what you need to do for each practice to make it fun for everyone. Please click on the register button below to sign up for free!
11U to 18U House League Coaching Clinic (2025) | ||||
Cost | Date | Start | End | Location |
Free (Sponsored by SAMBA) | Saturday, April 26 | Legion Clubhouse |
This Mandatory clinic will give 11U to 18U coaches the tools and confidence to ensure a great experience for parents, players, and coaches. During this 2 hour clinic you will learn how to plan and run a practice as well as a game. (Hint) Having a plan before the practice starts will make things better! Practice plans will be laid out in detail so you will know what you need to do for each practice to make it fun for everyone. Please click on the register button below to sign up for free!
ALL SAMBA Coaches/Assistant Coaches (House League, Community, & Rep) are required to complete some formal coach training, the following minimums are required by Baseball Alberta/Baseball Canada. These requirements must be fulfilled before the end of May or that Coach/Assistant Coach will NOT be allowed on the field.
SAMBA endorses the education and training of all our Coaches and Assistant Coaches at all levels for the betterment of our Association and especially for the benefit of our children playing the great game of baseball. All associated fees related to the various on-line or classroom lead education and training sessions are reimbursable by SAMBA. Please keep all receipts and submit to the respective Division Directors, who will ensure submission and payment follows prior to the end of each season.
Click on the following links for requirements and details
Steps to Becoming an NCCP Coach
Coaching Association of Canada
Online Coach Education & Training Programs
Initiation Coach Course
All Coaches and Assistant Coaches within SAMBA are required to complete the on-line "Initiation Coach" course for the betterment of the experience of the children playing in our leagues.
Coach Certification Program Register
Respect in Sports
All Coaches and Assistant Coaches within SAMBA are required to take the "Respect in Sport" course. Failure to complete this one time course may result in fines, game forfeits, and/or dismissals at Rep and community level teams.
If you have completed "Respect in Sports" from a sport other than baseball, you can port this certification over. Click on the "Import Certificate" button below and it will guide you through the process.
Coach Clinics and Training Sessions
Baseball Canada Reach Higher Program, the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) is here to help you be the best coach that you can be. When you take an NCCP clinic, you'll gain baseball technical abilities as well as leadership and decision making skills. NCCP training will open doors to new opportunities in coaching and in life.
NOTE: ALL attendees MUST complete the on-line Initiation Coach Module prior to attending any of the following NCCP Classroom/Coaching Clinic
Register with Baseball Alberta or the NCCP website
SAMBA Hosted NCCP Coach Clinic (2025) | ||||
Module | Date | Start | End | Location |
Teaching and Learning | April 28 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Absolutes Clinic | May 5 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Planning Clinic | May 12 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Pitching and Catching | May 19 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Strategies | May 26 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Skills | June 2 | 5:30 PM | 9:30 PM | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Cost: $____.00/Person/Module (free for SAMBA members)
Contact:Technical Director for more information or Register
SAMBA recommends that all Coaches and Assistant Coaches within the Association complete the Regional Training Modules for the betterment of the experience of the children playing in our leagues.
Umpire/Coach Rule Clinic - 2025 | ||||
Cost | Date | Start | End | Location |
Free (Sponsored by SAMBA) | TBD | 6:00 pm | 9:00 pm | Legion Memorial Park - Clubhouse |
Contact:: Technical Director or Umpire Coordinator
The objective of this clinic is to better educate coaches, managers, parents, players, and any other interested non-umpires on the rules of baseball, and to discuss and improve the on-field and off-field relationship between umpires and the above-mentioned parties. Topics include the role of an umpire, common rule myths, discussion on often encountered rules, and an analysis of the relationship between umpires and other participants of the game. A general question and answer session concludes the clinic.
Whether you are new to coaching or to the sport, or have many years of experience, we are confident this clinic will have something for everyone. All House League and Rep Level Coaches/Co-Coaches must plan on attending this Mandatory 3 hour session. All interested players are welcome to join as well. No registration is required, simply come to the SAMBA clubhouse at the above time and date.
11U Rep Parent Meeting
215 Sturgeon Road
11U Rep Parent Meeting
Used Gear Drop Off
SAMBA Clubhouse
Used Gear Drop Off Day