Parents Code of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct - SAMBA (2025)

It is the goal of the St. Albert Minor Baseball Association (SAMBA) to provide a positive and constructive environment for all participants while helping to develop the skills of strong character, courage, and loyalty within our community. As Parents, you play a special role in contributing to the needs and development of every SAMBA player. It is essential that all parents are supportive of SAMBA programs and teams. Parents are encouraged to volunteer their services to improve SAMBA. Just like the players and coaches, parents must also be positive role models. Through your encouragement and good example, you can help assure that all players learn good sportsmanship, team play, fair play, and self-discipline.  SAMBA is serious about maintaining positive and supportive parent conduct. If all parents can respect the following Code of Conduct, SAMBA’s players will have a great baseball experience.


As a Parent of SAMBA, I agree to the following Code of Conduct: 

1. I will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, umpires, and spectators at every game, practice, or other team event. I will not use abusive language or actions and will control my anger at all times. I will never badger the other team or argue with their supporters.

2. I will not be a sideline coach or umpire. I will allow all coaching during the games to be done by the coaches and not by parents, guardians, or guests in the stands or behind the backstop. I realize that the umpire is the closest to the play and that each umpire calls them as they see them.

3. I will remember that every player on the team is a contributing player. I will spread my encouragement equitably amongst the team. I will recognize initiative and hustle, always congratulate the winner and encourage the loser.

4. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.

5. I will have tactful, quiet, one-on-one discussions of any concerns with the team manager/coaches. I will not argue with the coach in public, as this is detrimental to getting a successful resolution. I will remember that only nine players can play at one time.

6. I will support the team and SAMBA by volunteering my services. I will remember that everyone associated with SAMBA, whether a board member, coach, or manager is a volunteer.

7. I will be on time to all events. I will try to arrange for alternate transportation if my child can’t get to a practice/game on time so that they can have the necessary warm up. I will notify the coaches of any absences as soon as I become aware of them.

8. I will emphasize to my child that good athletes strive to be good students and that both are physically and mentally alert.

9. I will remember that the game is for the players.

10. I will respect SAMBA’s "No Tolerance Policy" in which it states that “those who have chosen to register with SAMBA have an obligation to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association, if they wish to remain.”

Note:  This Code of Conduct is signed at the time of registration.

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Apr. 05, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Used Gear Drop Off
SAMBA Clubhouse
Used Gear Drop Off Day

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Apr. 06, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Gear Swap Day
215 Sturgeon Road
Gear Swap Day

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May. 16, 2025 to May. 19, 2025

Larry Rindero - 2025
215 Sturgeon Road

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