11U Representative (Rep) teams are designed for those player's 10 & 11 years old with above average ability, commitment and desire to play at higher levels of competition. These levels are identified as Competitive (AA) White or Blue who typically practice 4 to 5 day/week min. and Competitive (AA) Red who typically practice 5 to 6 day/week min. The major objective will be player development through fair participation by all players on the team up to Provincial round robin.
Participation on a rep team implies additional commitments on behalf of the player's and the parent's. The major commitments are time, travel and financial which also includes fund raising initiatives either of the association (bingo's, casino's, etc.) and/or the team. Rep teams typically utilize weekdays for practices (2 to 3 per week), exhibition games, etc. and weekends for games and tournaments based on schedule and travel requirements as determined by Baseball Alberta. Some games are scheduled during the week, depending on the distance teams must travel. Rep teams also play during July, the length of time depends on the success of the team as it advances through to Provincial Championships. Dedication to a rep team will prove beneficial to the player as a valuable learning experience, failure to fulfill the commitments by the player or parent is denying another player a position on the team and will result in a review of the player's rep privileges.
Although SAMBA player registration fees cover basic expenses related to Baseball Alberta registration, insurance, basic equipment/jerseys, etc., additional rep fees are collected by the association through the team budgets once the team rosters are completed to offset various operating expenses related to the facilities and/or team. Rep teams are required to prepare their own team budgets to cover expenses related to additional association fess, travel, tournaments, umpires, and additional apparel/equipment. The amount of fundraising activities varies per team and will have a direct impact on the final per player cost to the families. Generally teams budget:
- Competitive (AA) White or Blue - $500 per player (2024 estimate)
- Competitive (AA) Red - $500 per player (2024 estimate)
Players are required to supply their own equipment (glove, bat, batting helmet, bag, cleats) and apparel (white ball pants, socks, blue long sleeve, jock strap). Fitting Ball Cap, Jersey, and catchers gear is provided. Team apparel - hoodies, etc. is on a team by team basis after the team is formed.
Each spring (typically in February / March), players registered with SAMBA who meet the above mentioned criteria are encouraged to attend the evaluation sessions to try out for positions on the rep teams in their division. The evaluations or "tryouts" are conducted under the direction of the respective SAMBA Director's and in conjunction with the Rep Coaches. These evaluations are based upon the player's age category, direct observation of demonstrated skill, development potential, perceived dedication to the program/coaches and various other factors, this way they are placed at the skill level that is most appropriate for them.
All coaches at the rep level are required to meet SAMBA requirements and possess current Baseball Alberta Certification requirements. Additional information pertaining to our rep program can be found in by contacting the indicated Division Director.
Used Gear Drop Off
SAMBA Clubhouse
Used Gear Drop Off Day