Player Code of Conduct - SAMBA (2025)

Player Code of Conduct - SAMBA (2025)

It is the goal of the St. Albert Minor Baseball Association (SAMBA) to provide a positive and constructive environment for all participants while helping to develop the skills of strong character, courage and loyalty within our community. Baseball is a team sport and each player is an important component in the success of the team. As a player the responsibility rests with you to be willing to learn the many difficult skills of baseball, play hard, respect your coaches, respect the decision of the umpire, and be committed to your team for the entire season. As a player, your adherence to this code will promote fair play, discipline and sportsmanship for the good of SAMBA. 


As a Player of SAMBA, I agree to the following Code of Conduct: 

1. I will attend every practice and game that is reasonably possible and notify my coach if I cannot attend. I will be on time for practice and games. 

2. I will do my very best to listen and learn from my coaches. I will give my best effort at all times, exhibited by hustle (running on and off the field) and a positive attitude, whether in warm-ups, practices, or games, whether winning or losing. 

3. I will do my best at school and not let baseball interfere with my grades.

4. I will always remember that baseball is a game and is meant to be fun. I will control my temper and use my energy for playing better baseball. I understand that if I intentionally throw my bat helmet, glove or any piece of equipment that I will be subject to ejection from the game at the discretion of the umpire.

5. I will be supportive of my coaches and my teammates at all times, by offering positive comments and refraining from making negative comments, or placing blame. I will remember every player makes errors and has off days. I will never ridicule opponents or teammates.

6. I will play by the rules of the game. I will play hard but in a safe and responsible manner. I will not intentionally endanger another player in any way. I will avoid inappropriate behavior, including the use of profanity or other inappropriate language, during practices, games and other team activities.

7. I will bring a strong desire to win, but also the ability to handle defeat. I will be humble in victory, gracious in defeat. 

8. I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, umpires and fans at every game and practice. I will not trash talk, taunt, or root against the opposing team. I will refrain from outbursts against the umpire and shall let the coach handle all umpire issues.

9. I will help maintain order and cleanliness of the team dugout, by picking up any loose equipment and refraining from any horseplay. I will help to ensure that we leave the dugout neater than we found it.

10. I will come to practices and games with proper equipment (appropriate protective equipment, cleats, uniform, practice wear, water bottle, etc.) I will treat personal and team equipment with respect at all times, placing items in the proper place and position in the dugout.

11. I will encourage my parents to be involved in my team in some capacity because it is important to me. 

12. I will not use alcohol, non-medical drugs, tobacco, vapes while on SAMBA property and/or Baseball Alberta sanctioned events, this includes while travelling with my team. 

13. I will abide by the Baseball Alberta Code of Conduct. 

14.  I will abide by SAMBA's Social Media Policy.  The following are examples of conduct through social media and other mediums that are considered violations of the SAMBA’s Social Media Policy and may be subject to disciplinary action by the team, SAMBA, the league and/or Baseball Alberta:

  1. Any statement deemed to be publicly critical of officials or detrimental to the welfare of SAMBA, team, players, or any member of SAMBA.

  2. Divulging confidential information that may include, but is not limited to the following: player injuries; game strategies; or any other matter of a sensitive nature.

  3. Negative or derogatory comments about any other team, Minor Baseball Association, League and/or SAMBA players, staff and members.

  4. Any form of bullying, harassment or threats against players, coaches, parents, or officials.

  5. Photographs, video or comments promoting negative influences or criminal behavior including but not limited to:  drug use, alcohol abuse, public intoxication, hazing, sexual exploitation etc.

  6. Online activity that contradicts the current policies of SAMBA or any of its member Associations.

  7. Inappropriate, derogatory, racist, or sexist comments of any kind, in keeping with SAMBA policies and procedures on these matters.

  8. Online activity that is meant to alarm other individuals or to misrepresent fact or truth.

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Apr. 05, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Used Gear Drop Off
SAMBA Clubhouse
Used Gear Drop Off Day

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Apr. 06, 2025 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Gear Swap Day
215 Sturgeon Road
Gear Swap Day

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May. 16, 2025 to May. 19, 2025

Larry Rindero - 2025
215 Sturgeon Road

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